Carolyn for Scarlet Keys, Expert Difficulty, No Fun Allowed

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LordHamshire · 727

This is specifically for Expert-difficulty with a three or four investigator group. Carolyn Fern isn't as incentivized to focus on healing horror as Vincent Lee is to focus on healing damage, but she's a strong investigator with powerful deckbuilding options. You can run Foolishness and an early Charisma if you want, but I wouldn't. Hypnotic Therapy is good, even if it doesn't work on allies. The choice between To Fight the Black Wind and Rational Thought is not a clear one, follow your heart. If To Fight the Black Wind goes bad, it's comically bad, but nine out of ten times it'll be fine. Carolyn doesn't really need Emergency Cache even if it's usually a good pull in the opener and certainly doesn't need the one Fearless, so if you have any pet cards, those are what I'd cut.



Jul 16, 2023 Ivadék · 1

Hey, How would you modify this deck for path to carcosa?

Jul 16, 2023 Ivadék · 1

Also I would only play 2 player