Leo, k-9 edition

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Helpmewin · 14

Unleash the hound

Backpack is the easy way to get Rod of Animalism, ressource through Emergency Cache and maybe a weapon.

Once you have the rod of animalism, you can totally get advantage of Leo's power to recruit ally's at minus 1 cost. All dogs cost you only 1.

You go for Charon's Obol so you can upgrade as soon as possible: for a second rod of animalism and take out kicking the hornet's Nest.

You can upgrade your Guard dog, emergency cache to draw. We can solidify the economy by withdrawing the Lone Wolf and bring the Relic Hunter for a second #rod of animalism

I like the idea of upgrade the machette into the Cyclopean Hammer

The take out the Physical Training for a Keen Eye

You can upgrade the runic axe as well.

Eventually you could even go flame thrower for the sake of it.

The only problem of this deck is the slow drawing.