The Kymani Jones Job

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

drjones87 · 182

This is the build I used for a basic Kymani cluer. It is not taboo friendly but is ready to go from scenario 1. Keep in mind, this deck is extremely broken and makes use of Kymani's high evade stat for rapid cycling and easy clueing. This deck is completely destroyed by the basic weakness "Amnesia", but other than that it tends to pick up steam quickly and steam rolls, and due to embezzled treasure ends up honestly steam rolling the entire campaign..

Set Up You can really mulligan for whatever you want. If you know it's going to be a hot and heavy start you probably want to get disguise up early. Otherwise, one of your clueing tools will suffice. Clue acceleration comes predominantly from pilfer (or double or nothing).

Endless Loop This does make an exploit of the "endless turns" rogue and if that's not something you're interested in you probably want to look elsewhere. You basically uses easy mark/three aces to find double or nothing, watch this and quick thinking. Committ these to an investigate from either pilfer or Thieves' Kit, or an evade attempt, and boost to an acceptable level of safety with Streetwise. This ends up snowballing quickly. Agent Flecher can be evaded with disguise once, and then you probably want to keep him on the board as long as possible so you aren't hammered with your weakness. If you end up getting another enemy weakness as your random, or a weakness that you can just tank, this effectively gives you unlimited cycling with no risk.

Upgrades Lola Santiago for Gregory Guy, and then I would recommend the Red Clock. After that though, you can upgrade as needed with really no downsides.

Overall This is a very effective clue deck that makes use of a few broken rogue cards. It's fun to try if you've never done it before, but those familiar with that loop may want to play differently.