Scooby-Doo Recursion

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArkhamPirate · 51

The objective of this deck is to start as quickly as possible.

Mulligan for Magnifying Glass, Scavenging and Dark Horse.

The cost curve on this deck is extremely low, leaving lots of extra resources for Scrapper which you should always purchase after your first scenario. Ideally you have Dark Horse in play, take the resource, then spend it immediately on Scrapper or your 1 cost events or assets.

With either Magnifying Glass or Dark Horse you can reliably search for 5 (or 6 with both) using Scooby-Doo twice per turn. Be sure to take advantage of Scooby-Doo's free move before the search to maximize action efficiency.

When activating Scooby Doo via the discard ability, preferentially discard item cards that can later be recurred with Scavenging . Between Scavenging and Rabbit's Foot your hand should always have extra cards to be able to use Scooby Doo twice each turn.

Fire Axe and Vicious Blow are there for whenever you run into a big monster that Scooby Doo can't handle on his own. Bait and Switch and Survival Instinct also allow convenient ways to completely bypass monsters that don't have the hunter keyword.

Peter Sylvestre and Leather Coat should deal with your horror and damage respectively.