Harvey "Rambo" Walters

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

hatfulofbomb · 812

Tired of being protected?

Sick of those guardians always showing off, bragging about "weapons this, and incredibly muscular arms that."?

Well, look no further! Harvey Walters is here, and he's acquired a taste for blood!

This deck is based around the three-hit combo of Ancient Stone, Occult Lexicon, and Ariadne's Twine. Simply keep your cool rock loaded up with secrets from the Twine, and each Blood Rite will deal up to 5 damage! (7 if upgraded!)

If that's not enough, Evil Slurpee is here, and it is still one of the best weapons in the game. Overpower your enemies to hit for 3 damage, tested at a hefty 8 strength! Printed stats? I don't know what you're talking about.

You'll still be able to grab clues in your downtime, so if an unexpected enemy pops up, you'll surely have a plan to keep yourself and your associates safe.

Bulletproof Vest, Big Willy, and Research Librarian are all fantastic sources of soak that will gladly jump in front of a bullet for you again and again as you plow through your deck, drawing 3 cards and dealing 3 damage in a single action.