Tony Morgan - Shows off his Decorated Skull

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Tony Morgan - Shows off his Decorated Skull 1 1 0 1.0

dlikos · 144

Primary Role - Combat Don't Forget to put contracts on enemies as they come out. Hard Mulligan for a gun or both Long Colts

Economy Not much of a worry if the contracts are paying off, get Dario out and try to keep above 10 resources.

Clueing Tony is a fairly weak clue man, but can provide a nice one turn pop with an Intel Report. Evidence is a bonus as is Scene of the Crime, I would not mulligan for these cards.

Encounter Deck The Sour Mash is in this deck to help with the Will tests, as is a funded Dario. Hard Knocks can help with Agility in a pinch.

Upgrades Righteous Hunt is a cool upgrade for Tony - Remove Warning Shot (2xp) The Moon XVIII costs the same as Trench Coat and performs in more situations (2xp) Another Day, is an easy add that boosts economy (3xp) Contraband helps keep the Long Colts loaded - Remove Faustians (4xp) Marksmanship is a neat idea - would need to remove On the Hunts or Scenes... as there is a 10 card guardian limit.(2xp) On the Trail... see Marksmanship (2xp) The rest upgrade by name.