Zoey Samaras 4P Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Drawing the Sign · 14

Upgrade Recommendations: I can think of 2 ways to go about it: a) Lightning Gun. The big gun helps with akward 3 Health enemies and chunky boss monsters later on. To support it you can get Extra Ammo and Beat Cop (2) to deal with 4 Health enemies more effectively. If you go that route its probably good to replace the 2 dodges with Prepared for the Worst.

b) Upgrade Beat Cop, get Father Xavier and one or two Charismas. That route lets you soak tons of damage while dealing it out yourself. Its probably less effective than the first route but it is fun. Vicious Blow (2) is also a nice option.

Scrying is for when you have spare actions left after killing all the bad guys. It allows you to sort out mythos cards for the next round so that you draw the enemies and your friends can deal with the encounter cards best suited for them. But since this deck is for 4 Player it loses some effectiveness. Make sure you are either lead investigator or one of the first 3 to draw cards in the mythos phase so you can take that enemy.