Reborn Calvin - Heart of the Cards

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thornstromb · 64

You have to Believe... in the power of GAY!

Jokes aside, everyone's favorite doomed hero is in top shape today, with a lineup that allows him to potentially play BOTH copies of Five of Pentacles to achieve some truly insane stat lines. Jessica and Peter keep Cal alive and well, while Webb provides some interesting Cluevering and recursion. The Cleaver is a classic source of controllable horror, as is Forbidden Knowledge. Calling in Favors allows us to summon our allies as soon as we get even 1 of them.

Special awards to Against All Odds, Rise to the Occasion, and Signum Crucis, all of which scale to our base stats of 0 for pretty much guaranteed awesome.

--- Suggested Upgrade Order:

Charisma 1

Versatile 2

Forbidden Knowledge 2

Jessica Hyde 1

Jessica Hyde 2

Five of Pentacles 2

Against All Odds 1

Cherished Keepsake 1 -> Moon Pendant 1

Charisma 2

Cherished Keepsake 2 -> Moon Pendant 2

Peter Sylvestre Upgrade 1

Professor William Webb Upgrade 1

Ghastly Revelation -> Against All Odds 2

Second Wind 1 -> "I've had worse..." 1

Unexpected Courage 1 -> Signum Crucis 1

Unexpected Courage 2 -> Signum Crucis 2

Rise to the Occasion Upgrade 1

Second Wind 2 -> "I've had worse..." 2

Rise to the Occasion Upgrade 2

Professor William Webb Upgrade 2

Peter Sylvestre Upgrade 2