Aesop's Pawn Shop

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Doovies · 602

(This published deck does not include the Sacrificial Beast by mistake but will obviously need to be included in the deck along with Green Man Medallion)

Sell Sell Sell!

This Jenny Barnes deck incorporates Joey "The Rat" Vigil and treats him as a Shaper's own 'Aesop's Pawnshop'.

Ditch your low cost cards in order to gain maximum benefit and value from your expensive Favor traited events (Small Favor or Decoy) or your high cost events (Breaking and Entering, Pilfer).

Most of your assets will overstay there welcome or become redundant as you move through a campaign (Newspaper, Trench Knife, Green Man Medallion) and can benefit you greater as resources for use in Streetwise tests and paying for your Jenny's Twin .45s. Sell them using Joey "The Rat" Vigil's ability. And gain a return on your initial investment.

To further push the value, Crystallizer of Dreams will benefit from your Favor traited events, allowing for +2 on a variety of tests as you progress. Further pushing the value you can get from them.


Feb 01, 2021 The Comforter · 132

Oooooh this is spicy! +1 for the 'Trun ref... and this looks like a great Jenny Barnes machine. My only question is about Cunning in the place of even more events for the Crystallizer of Dreams, or perhaps some stronger draw to make sure you find Joey? Or of course there's always "Watch This!" Slick deck!