Stella draws the whole Thing

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Stella is a Quick Learner [Standalone: 29XP] 0 0 3 1.0

Gatlinggoon · 34

A Deck build around Quick Learner, you draw your whole Deck every Game and can fill as either a Killer or Investigator depending on what your Group needs.

With Quick Learner the first test you take is at -2. We will use this with her low Investigation of 2 and Drawing thin, so that with the autofail option on the Eldersign token, you can not succeed by mistake.

2x Drawing Thin+2x Take Heart+2x Rabbits Foot will gain 6 Cards 8 recources or 8 Cards 4 Recources on this first guaranteed failed Action

Try and try Agin lets you keep using this combo by giving you back Take Heart

You wont have this combo right from the start of course, but the having 1 or 2 pieces of it helps find the rest.

Your next action (free after failing the first) is neutral so you can use it for playing something or moving.

Action 2, 3 and 4 have their Difficulty lowered by 2 wich makes them way more likely to succeed

Jessica and Peter give you all the soak you need and improve your stats. Together with Quick learner failing a test you care about becomes hard.

Old Hunting Rifle + Neither Rain nor Snow are suprisingly strong together Stellas abillity further mitigates the drawback from the Old Hunting rifle

When your Deringer is empty you can either Equip over it with a Rifle or throw it at the enemy with Act of Desperation so you can get it back with Scrounge for Supplies. With this you have enough Ammunition so you wont need a Weapon with unlimited Charges.

Sharp Vision allows you to pick up Clues when you have to, it can be repeated with Scrounge for Supplys. This is not the Thing you are good for but it is free and allows you to fill as either a Killer or Investigator depending on what the Szenario requires.

Live and Learn is played when the Setup is complete and lets you take 6 Actions in a turn

  1. fail that gets you cards and recources
  2. repeat of first action (usually a 4 investigate at -2 Diff with extra Clue from Sharp Vision)
  3. bonus from Stellas abillity at -2 Diff
  4. normaly second action at -2 Diff
  5. normaly third action at -2 Diff
  6. normaly fourth action at -2 Diff

Will to survive further augments this by making important actions like the Hunting rifle shots guaranteed. It can be Upgraded if you have the EXP so you can make your 6 Action Turn impossible to fail.

The Last Slot is for Guts which helps you with your biggest Weekness, your low-ish Brain Stat of 4 with Peter Silvester


Oct 11, 2020 eldelion · 1

I like the deck, seams really good.

If I am correct Take Heart doesn't work with Try and Try - but for some strange reason, it works with Grishly Totem (3). If you are interested in why, look at the comments of the totem.

Nov 11, 2020 BlazarBlast · 20

Hi, nice deck. However I have a few questions regarding your action count: When you say "Action 2, 3 and 4 have their Difficulty lowered by 2", you mean "actions 3 and 4", right? As Quick Learner starts working from your 3rd action onwards. When you say "lets you take 6 Actions in a turn", the 6th action is "normaly fourth action at -2 Diff". You only have three actions a turn, so the total count should be just 5, right?