Minh Thi Phan dunwich games

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Badgerblake · 113

To take part in a solo dunwich campaign, will be playing the 5 times with 5 diffrent Investigators, one from each class one scenario at a time to compare how well each investigator does in each one and good a real good feel of each sceanrio. By doing this i can set the scenario up and play it 5 times in one evening.

Scenario 1a - Extracurricular activity. Rounds taken -11 VPs earned - 4 Reseloution - resigned Started out strong getting Dr Milan, fire axe and scavenging out fast. Thank the gods the fire axe came out so soon, as we then got stuck fighting a Yithian Observer and a Wizard of yog Sothoth! Killed them both but then just couldnt find Jazz Mulligan fast enough and with 2 cards left in my deck and Beyound the Veil in my threat area i had no choice but to flee the university.