Scared Clueless: Carolyn Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
A Witch and her Shrink: Carolyn Deck SUPER FUN! 329 282 39 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

alsostl · 14

29xp standalone deck, to be paired with the Agnes deck.

The basic premise follows the "A Witch and Her Shrink" decks by FBones - let Agnes take horror for testless damage, and heal it with Carolyn.

This version of the deck uses Mr. "Rook" and Eureka! to search a deck which is already thinned with Stick to the Plan. Cards to be "stuck" are Dynamite Blast, for some splash damage, Ever Vigilant for tempo at the beginning of the game, and Shortcut because it's always good.

Mulligan hard for assets in your opening hand, and play them immediately with Ever Vigilant. To make this easier, I include a copy of Astounding Revelation, which of course is found by the Plan search before opening hand is drawn, effectively meaning you start with 7 resources.

That's 4 cards thinner, less fluff for Rook to have to search through, but note that being a standalone deck, there are 2 additional basic weaknesses.

Using Safeguard, let Agnes do most of the moving. Stick together and heal her when required. Otherwise, get clues. Though not an absolute beastly clue-getter, this deck should work pretty well.

If you need to fight, you can either use Alice Luxley for some testless damage in combination with Scene of the Crime, or perhaps Blood-Rite if you have any available.
