William Yorick Walkin' With Daisy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PFo · 3

For Carcosa, limited to Core, Carcosa and the 6 Carcosa Mythos Packs. Solo two handed Yorick and Walker.


May 25, 2020 harvest277 · 1

I know you're limited on cards but try to keep doubles where possible to make your decks more consistent. For example: 2x Cache, 2x Knife, 2x Unexpected Courage.

For Yorick specifically, I made a similarly limited deck for my playthrough (I only have Carcosa + the first Dream-Eaters). Here's a modified version with your collection to give you some ideas: arkhamdb.com