Finn Edwards, QuarantineCon2020, “Quarantined in Arkham”

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
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UnvisitedLyle · 1

“Quarantined in Arkham” Finn Edwards

Quarantined Ultimatums:

-Hand Washing (add Hypochondria)

-Stockpile (reshuffle second copy of cards in hand)

-Wait for Results (no clues first two rounds)

A virus has hit Arkham, and Finn Edwards decides to quarantine himself. He is a long-time pal of Peter S., but with this virus, he can’t risk contact with someone who has been on a college campus. Finn decides he better be a Lone Wolf ...It is nice, however, that Peter left his Track Shoes at Finn’s house. Finn made sure he has Painkillers, Cigarettes, and Tennessee Sour Mash. He has plenty of opportunity to work from home on the new Intel Report and Contraband shipment. If he HAS to go out, or worse, someone lets themselves in, Finn is ready to evade direct contact, maybe do some Pickpocketing in the process, and attack in an indirect manner when he needs to. His only plan for communication is to scream, “Watch This!” at someone from a distance, if they need to see what’s happening. Finn has never been scared of much, but pandemics bring out the Cowardice in him and turn him into something of a Hypochondriac, but maybe he can summon up some Unexpected Courage when he needs it most. All in all, Finn is feeling pretty good about this Quarantine... poor guy.