Silas Courage in the Face of Fear

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Redcapjack · 7

Silas read the message from MADAME LEBRANCHE again, and stared at the GRISLY TOTEM she had sent. It came with some coin and some instructions; where to deliver it, to whom, and at what time. She had told him to TAKE HEART and believed he would RISE TO THE OCCASION. He shook his head, struggling to breathe through the tension that wound it's way up the back of his neck.

He was LUCKY to have the opportunity. He was ABLE BODID and, until recently, FEARLESS. He'd had some weird experiences as of late, however. He would LIVE NAD LEARN through that TRIAL BY FIRE. He may be RESOURCEFUL and QUICK THINKING had saved his bacon, but only just barely. Those things had come from him, and ever since he'd been plagued with DREAMS OF THE DEEP. Vast fathoms and unknown depths swarmed with hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of those "things" from the damned town. He had to TAKE HEART.

"EUREKA!" he shouted, lifting the MEAT CLEAVER from the tangled assortment of kitchen utensils. He'd deliver the damned statue of this god forsaken monstrosity. Walking to the stables, be chose the DARK HORSE and saddled up. He had no INQUIRING MIND to stay and chit chat with the client.