Everybody's got a price...

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ravnak · 10

Pretty simple concept. You're terrible at everything but can buy your way to victory...

Interestingly, the harder the game mode the better this gets, as you pretty much don't take any tests.

Heres some suggestions for spending XP, roughly ranked highest to lowest. But you really can just grab what you like. (Lola and the key are both just amazing though. I'd get them first). Followers also help with the fact that you are not passing any tests so take a fair whack of damage.

THE SKELETON KEY (First buy. Its so good!) Lola Santiago (And Charisma...) Plucky (a surprisingly good pick - throw it down and just go nuts with your money to close out an investigation). Cat Burgler (And charisma...) Test of will. (really helps with the fact that you're going to fail every treachery) Sneak Attack Borrowed time Gold pocket watch. Sure Gamble. Think on your feet. (If you find cunning distraction isn't saving your ass enough.)