Midnight Jim

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Victor3R · 7


Jazz asks it's players to know when to be loud and when to be quiet, to know when to play a role and know when to take the lead. Jim is working to support the team like a classic bard. In the early encounters Jim is thinking about how the show's going to finish.

Devil's Music: Delve Too Deep can be a crushing effect. An extra round of encounters can be overwhelming if played at the wrong time. But if Jim hits his cue just right that's just free XP. And Jim, more than his bandmates, is after some expensive instruments.

Bridge into Crescendo: So what does Jim want to do with all of that XP? He's looking to get a hold of a couple Grotesque Statues and a Jewel of Aureolus to further control the Chaos Bag. The Statue reveals two tokens which double's Jim's chances of seeing a Skull when needed. The Jewel provides resources and cards for those nasty tokens. Jim can also Scavenge back the Statue later on.

Improvise: There's no mistakes, just opportunities. Jim has a lot of one-of options to stay well rounded, no matter what the challenge is.

Mulligan towards Rite of Seeking, Shrivelling, Leo DeLuca. There

Future XP upgrades: statues / jewel / foot to scavenging if Pete doesn't need it / a lucky! over an over power if Pete doesn't need it / mind wipe (optional) / bulletproof vest / shriveling

Take out delves, painkillers, overpower, fine clothes