Tajemnica. Stage 1
Doom: 3. Clues: –
Light tremors ripple through the floating landscape. The bog is a fecund jungle of bright flowers and glassy, oily reflections.
: Resign. You flee the bog.
Forced – When your turn ends, if you are at a Bog location: Place 1 damage on your location, as a sinkhole (2 sinkholes instead if there are 1 or 2 investigators in the game).
Forced – If a location has 3 or more sinkholes on it: Remove all sinkholes from it and flip it over.
Rob Laskey
Uczta w Dolinie Hemlock - Rozszerzenie kampanijne #89. Istota z głębin #2.
A Near Miss - Back
An ear-splitting roar resounds through the bog, followed by several ripples that roll through the floating landscape. You feel a low tremble below you, and dive to safety just before a horrible monstrosity erupts from below. Rows of thin, needle-sharp teeth gnash at the air where you just were, and ghastly stalks on eyes turn to regard you with hunger.
Flip the center location to its Sunken side, discarding all tokens and player card attachments. Spawn the set-aside Thing in the Depths enemy at it.

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