
Duch. Podwójny.

Cost: 1. XP: 3.


Jako dodatkowy koszt zagrania Eterycznego splotu wydaj akcję.

Odkryj do 3 różnych kart z cechą Zaklęcie z twojej ręki. Zagraj pojedynczo każdą z odkrytych kart wydarzeń, obniżając jej koszt o 1. Dopóki rozpatrujesz każde z danych wydarzeń, dostajesz +2 do wartości umiejętności.

Aleksander Karcz
Uczta w Dolinie Hemlock - Rozszerzenie badaczy #103.
Eteryczny splot


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So for the investment of 1 resource and 2 actions we get 3 actions, 3 resources and 3 Unexpected Courages.

Thats a pretty good payoff, but requires you have 3 different spells you wanted to play, that they had tests involved, and that you could afford the rest of the cost of the spells.

kamiidude · 63
I think, the main issue with these card is the current card pool: many events are reactive and won't work at all, there is (in mystic) only one investigate spell event, two for fight and several for evade. It's unlikely, that you want to play multiple evade spells in a turn. It's ridiculouse, that this cost 2 more XP and 1 more action than "Ever Vigilant" (1), and still has the restriction of DIFFERENT events. Using it for two RtS or two SR and one other event, would make it almost playable. Also, you most likely have to eat an AoO, even when playing fight or evade events with it. I guess to make this better, we need 1) several more different fight and investigate events, 2) an official mystic gator like II Agnes, who is rewarded for primarily taking events, 3) "Spirit to the Plan" for Mystics, to have the card reliably online, when you want it. (I wonder, how they do that without making the triggered ability of "Winds of Power" trivial.) — Susumu · 372
agree 100% with @Susumu about the Attack of Opportunity problem that this card seems to want you eat. Parley actions are another different spell that I could see being useful if we get some more of those into the pool. I wonder who else besides Parallel Agnes this card would be reasonably easy to pull of to full effect. Voice of Ra could help pay for all these spells too. — Staticalchemist · 1
Does this work with The Painted World? If so, could be a good pick for Sefina — SleepyAzathoth · 19
If only Sefina could take it (she can only take mystic up to two XP), the card might actually find a use. As it stands now, it has my vote for the most unplayable card in the entire game. — Prototivity · 1