Kate has two great signature events; generally this is the one you’ll want more. At bare minimum, it resets your clues, giving you between a few and half a dozen +2s in your future. If it only did that and it was a general evade with books, it would be OK. But no… This is noping an enemy. In solo, you might not see it again; In multiplayer, there’s a chance it’ll get dealt to the fighter. In very rare circumstances, like the encounter deck being empty, the enemy goes to the discard pile, because you can’t shuffle something into an empty deck. This is tremendously useful against enemies that explode when they die, certain enemies in The Forgotten Age, or beefy foes with tons of hit points. This was extremely useful in dealing with Horror in High Gear and The Deep One Bull in Innsmouth.
Eteryczny nurt
Cost: 0.
Powiązana (Stabilizator przepływu). Zagraj tylko, jeśli widoczna jest (Aktywna) strona Stabilizatora przepływu.
Wymykanie się. Porusz na Kate Winthrop wszystkie żetony wskazówek znajdujące się na atutach, które kontrolujesz. Do tego testu możesz użyć zamiast . Jeśli test zakończy się sukcesem a cel tego wymykania sę jest nie-Elitarny, wtasuj go do talii spotkań. Dobierz 1 kartę. Odwróć Stabilizator przepływu (zachowuje wszystkie żetony i dołączone karty).
Balance Sheet
Uczta w Dolinie Hemlock - Rozszerzenie badaczy #7.

Bonded Cards
- Flux Stabilizer: Inactive (Uczta w Dolinie Hemlock - Rozszerzenie badaczy #5)
- Flux Stabilizer: Active (Uczta w Dolinie Hemlock - Rozszerzenie badaczy #5)
Related Cards
- Eteryczny nurt: Yuggoth (Uczta w Dolinie Hemlock - Rozszerzenie badaczy #6)
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As I understand, encounter deck cannot be empty. It is specifically stated in the rules that "If the encounter deck is empty, shuffle the encounter discard pile back into the encounter deck." Unlike it is with investigator deck where the rules say "If an investigator with an empty investigator deck needs to draw a card, that investigator shuffles his or her discard pile back into his or her deck, then draws the card, and upon completion of the entire draw takes one horror." Therefore I believe the encounter deck cannot stay empty.
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