The Geist-Trap - Back
The path leading to the site of the ritual is hidden by the spectral mist. You cannot enter The Geist-Trap.
Above the treetops, the pillar of ghostly mist rises, covering the sky with spectral faces and desperate, clawing hands. You are getting close now…
Woods. Spectral.
Shroud: 4. Clues: 1.
While The Spectral Watcher is at The Geist-Trap, it gains retaliate.
: Circle. Test +++ (20) to complete the ritual, or to disrupt it. If you succeed, you may either light or unlight the brazier here.
Haunted - Take 1 damage and 1 horror.
Victory 1.
Above the treetops, the pillar of ghostly mist rises, covering the sky with spectral faces and desperate, clawing hands. You are getting close now…
Frej Agelii
Zjednoczenie i zwątpienie #257. Zjednoczenie i zwątpienie #20.

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