XVIII Księżyc
Wiadomość od wewnętrznego ja

Atut. Tarot


Cost: 3. XP: 1.


Dostajesz +1 .

Kiedy rozpoczyna się gra, jeśli XVIII Księżyc znajduje się na twojej początkowej ręce: umieść go w grze.

Otwórz oczy i wsłuchaj się w swój cień.
Chris Peuler
Przerwany krąg #31.
XVIII Księżyc


No faqs yet for this card.


I like most of the new tarot cards (Ace of Rods being the only exception). Advantages:

  • Provides +1 , which by itself helps evading enemies and protects against some treacheries. It's real value lies in cards like Lockpicks.
  • Free to play if in opening hand (mulligan increases your chance of drawing it)
  • Does not conflict with existing assets with the new tarot slot
  • Is not an item, so it's immune to many treacheries that target these


  • Second copy is a dead card, as players have only one tarot slot and it has no icons to commit
  • Conflicts with other tarot cards, if the investigator has access to more than one faction at level 1+
  • Ability to play this for free may motivate a player to mulligan important cards, like weapon assets
  • Evading enemies usually does not win the game, so boosts are not as good as or .
Django · 5072