


Revelation - Put Snakescourge into play in your threat area. If you are poisoned, Snakescourge gains surge.

Treat each of your non-weakness Item assets as if its text box were blank (except for Traits).

Forced - At the end of the round: Discard Snakescourge.

Mike Nash
Zapomniana era #99. Jad Yiga #3-4.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • "As If": This was added to the FAQ (v.1.7, March 2020) and then amended (v.1.8, October 2020). You can read the October ruling on the ArkhamDB rules page here. (I'm adding a hyperlink rather than retyping the rules in case in future the ruling is changed or amended - at that point, the rules page will be updated and all ArkhamDB FAQ entries will link to the correct ruling.)
Last updated


As Luke Robinson you are not worried about any enemies around you. As soon as they form a threat you just hop into your Gate Box and zip out of arms way. That is untill you meet this card. "Hello snakes!"

nungunungu · 4
You open the gate box and a snake pops out! — SGPrometheus · 827
what snake pops out? — Alogon · 1131
@alogon I don't know; I was trying to figure out the lore reason why this card made your items blank, and I decided they were covered in snakes. — SGPrometheus · 827

How does this work with say, Book of Shadows, if you have 3 arcane slots filled? Would you have to discard one arcane slotted card? Or choose 2 to use, and one becomes unavailable? 200200200200200200200200

You would indeed need to discard a card, that occupies one of the slots. (This question would have been likely answered much quicker in the rules forum of this game on BGG. Also, Reddit has an active community, though I have no experience with it.) — Susumu · 372