


Odkrycie - Wykonaj test (3). Jeśli test zakończy się porażką, za każdy punkt, o który się nie powiódł, tracisz 1 akcję.

Patrzysz na eksponaty czy może to one patrzą na ciebie?
Matt Bradbury
Muzeum Miskatonic #145. Muzeum Miskatonic #31-32.
Efemeryczne eksponaty


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • If you are instructed to lose 1 or more actions, you have that many fewer actions to take during your turn. This is referring to your normal three “full” actions. So if you are instructed to lose 1 or more actions, those must be the ones that are “lost” first. If you have no more of those actions to lose, then you start losing “additional” actions, of your choice. So, for example, if you are playing Daisy and an effect instructs you to “lose 2 actions”, you would have 1 normal action and Daisy’s special additional action left.
Last updated


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